Keeping Elderly Homes Safe

Keeping an Elderly Loved One’s Home Safe

Whether a senior relative or friend is still living at their own home, or your elderly parent is moving into yours, keeping a safe environment and minimizing risks and hazards is critical to their well-being and longevity. The following list of tips, ideas, and guidelines may help to provide clarity – or spur additional ideas…

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Planning for the Care You Need at Home

Don’t wait for an unexpected accident to cause a crisis in your or your loved one’s home. Learn how to decrease the risks of living at home independently as you age and how to meet care needs before they lead to a dramatic change in your home routine. Read the following article to discover ways to plan ahead and give yourself and your loved ones the best opportunities to age well and age happily.

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Burnout Can Happen to Anyone

Taking on the role of Caregiver to your loved one can be challenging and exhausting work.  Many adult children find themselves sandwiched between meeting the needs of their children and their parents. 

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