Holistic Wellness

A Holistic Approach to Wellness for Seniors

The welfare of residents has moved along from the early days of senior care facilities, where the idea was to provide three square meals and a roof. Today, the well-being of residents in Nevada and across the country has taken center stage in the administration and functioning of senior care. Great effort is made to…

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Caring for the Emotional Needs of Seniors

Tips on Caring for the Emotional Needs of Seniors

Seniors are a particularly vulnerable segment of our society in Nevada and throughout the country. While this is a broad generalization, and many seniors do not fit this statement because they’re well-prepared for their golden years in good health and with good health guidance, many seniors are socially isolated. They face deteriorating health issues alone…

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The Eden Alternative

The Eden Alternative: A Nursing Home Revolution

Nursing homes are an integral part of senior care not only in Nevada, but throughout our country, and these institutions are in a state of flux, facing true revolutionary change. Under the expert supervision of Dr. Bill Thomas, “The Eden Alternative” has taken shape. Already, some 300 nursing homes worldwide have been altered to accommodate…

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Helping Seniors with Social Interaction

Helping Seniors with Social Interaction

If we want to make the most of our remaining years, a healthy social network will give us a better quality of life. Benefits of Social Interaction: The benefits of a healthy social network for the elderly are myriad, and scientifically proven. They include longevity, lower risks of cardiovascular and neurological diseases, and lower blood…

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Removing Fall Hazards Around the House

Removing Fall Hazards Around the House

Suffering from a fall might not seem like such a serious situation for most people. For older people, however, it can be the cause of permanent handicap, physical and psychological trauma, or even death. Falling when you’re twenty will probably give you a bruise. When you’re eighty, that same fall is more likely to lead…

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Grandparent Scam

Beware of the Grandparent Scam

As if growing old wasn’t hard enough as it is, scams and crimes against the elderly have become rampant. A particularly odious and disturbing scam that has been plaguing the elderly is the so-called “grandparent scam.” Someone calls pretending they’re your grandson or granddaughter. They’re in big trouble and rushed for time. They may claim…

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10 Signs of Dementia

10 Signs of Early Dementia

Growing old carries with it the fear of declining health and neurological diseases, and the one that tends to come up the most is Alzheimer’s disease. This is due partly to an increasing aging demography. Alzheimer’s is a difficult foe to discern. Its causes are still to be fully determined, though we have advanced in…

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AARP Nature Walks

Hikes Scheduled with AARP & the Center for Healthy Aging

Specialized Care Management would like to let those know who may be interested that AARP Nevada and the Center for Healthy Aging will be celebrating Older American’s Month by offering guided nature hikes in May! If you are interested you must register for each hike. Details for each hike are listed below. Davis Creek Regional…

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The Evolution of Long-Term Care Services

The Evolution of Long-Term Care Services

Historically, families in the United States cared for aging loved ones in their own homes until death took them. Individual families and neighbors also cared for family members with disabilities no matter the age. Towards the end of the 1800’s, increasing patterns of urbanization, 6-day work weeks, and long working hours for all family members…

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Managing Difficult Behaviors in the Elderly

Managing Difficult Behaviors in the Elderly

Caregivers of aging family members often must deal with increasingly unusual, unruly, and embarrassing behavior from an aging family member or care recipient. These behaviors can range from the mild, like refusing to bathe, to personality changes, temper tantrums, and hallucinations. Sometimes, the acting out is an extension of the way the person has always…

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