Hi Patty, this is Kathleen Mandina from Omaha, I am just calling to thank you for all the things you did for my brother to be sure he was safe and in a good place, I really appreciate it. My whole family appreciates you and all you did.

Kathleen Mandina

Kathleen Mandina

Good afternoon Barbara,

I hope you are doing well!  Thank you so much for the update and so happy to hear that both brothers are doing well!  I have been in contact with Cherrie about getting cash for John and we agreed that I would let her know when she can swing by and pick that up early next week.  Re their birthdays, we’ll go with whatever they want to do but bearing in mind that, unfortunately, time is so limited for Rich these days and July is not a good month for trying to schedule anything this year.  We appreciate all the wonderful care you are providing to John and Bill.  We are so happy that they are in such amazing hands, thank you. Let me know if there is anything you need from me at this time.

Kind regards,

Melissa Harman, Schulze|Law Group

Melissa Harman

Yes. Thank you too. 💗you are a Rock Star. That also makes 1call she answered from a friend and one call she made to me to reach out. So happy she is verbalizing. Go Patty and so nice for her to feel better, supported and comfortable. 💗🙏🌟

Diane | 3/24/2023
Hi Patty, thanks so much for everything you did to transform my bed. I’m really looking forward to going to bed tonight on my newly redone bed. New sheets, new color, pillows, an extra pad on my mattress for more support and comfort.  Your creative practicality shines through so much of what you do. You have a way of reshaping a situation so that it has a magic twist to it that often no one had expected. I love watching you do that. One example was Suggesting/supporting  Hospice for me. That change for me cut through so many obstacles I was facing. It cleared the way for many new possibilities for me to explore. I’ll let you know how wonderful my sleep is tonight. Hope you have a restful and peaceful sleep. If you want to take a nap on my newly refreshed bed please just let me know!

Hi Patty,
A special thank you to you for your thorough and objective presentation tracking my ***usage to *****and others on my behalf.I really appreciate the research you did on the frequency how you pulled it together and how you presented it. was not easy to argue with you are a very. You are indeed amazing! I am so grateful for all of the support you continuously give to me. I hope I can be a support to you as well.  Have a great weekend.


Dear Patty, Jennifer, Katie & SCM Team, Thank you fall for the beautiful “Prayer Plant” you sent to our family & meaningful gesture and it will thrive in Denise’s home. She has a green thumb like mom! Your professionalism, kindness and friendship have meant so much to our family. Jennifer became an honorary family member and we truly love her and feel blessed she helped us navigate a very difficult journey. She is a very special person and superb nurse. Any family would be blessed having her as a case manager. We are as grateful to have found your agency, Patty continued success to all at SCM – a very sacred calling.


Diana R.

Dear Katie & Patty,

Just a note of thanks to you both for the lovely flowers you sent and for all the support you’ve extended. We are very grateful for all that you do!


Donna & Jerry

The flowers were lovely and appreciated the great help you have been to our family,

Sincerely, Barbara

Barbara N.

Dear Specialized Care Management Team. I am so grateful for your medical guidance and support during Walter’s difficult time with his Alzheimer disease. Thank you for the lovely bouquet of flowers, Walter would have loved them.


Darka M.