Health Benefits of Spirituality in Seniors

A Study on Health Benefits of Spirituality in Seniors

Faith and spirituality are an important part of most people’s lives. Many feel a need to believe in something greater than ourselves. Whether it is religion-based spirituality, faith in nature, or a deep sense of philosophy, many are drawn towards spirituality. According to a groundbreaking study by the University of Chicago, people aged 68 or…

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Holistic Wellness

A Holistic Approach to Wellness for Seniors

The welfare of residents has moved along from the early days of senior care facilities, where the idea was to provide three square meals and a roof. Today, the well-being of residents in Nevada and across the country has taken center stage in the administration and functioning of senior care. Great effort is made to…

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Caring for the Emotional Needs of Seniors

Tips on Caring for the Emotional Needs of Seniors

Seniors are a particularly vulnerable segment of our society in Nevada and throughout the country. While this is a broad generalization, and many seniors do not fit this statement because they’re well-prepared for their golden years in good health and with good health guidance, many seniors are socially isolated. They face deteriorating health issues alone…

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The Eden Alternative

The Eden Alternative: A Nursing Home Revolution

Nursing homes are an integral part of senior care not only in Nevada, but throughout our country, and these institutions are in a state of flux, facing true revolutionary change. Under the expert supervision of Dr. Bill Thomas, “The Eden Alternative” has taken shape. Already, some 300 nursing homes worldwide have been altered to accommodate…

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